Celebrating 10 years of offering professional HR support

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On Monday April 22, 2024, I was thrilled to mark a significant milestone as JT HRConsultancy celebrated its 10th anniversary of offering professional HR support. In this article, I look back on the past decade of ups and downs as a small business owner…

According to statistics published by LinkedIn, approximately 20% of small businesses fail within their first year. This figure rises to 30% in the second year of trading and then 50th by the fifth year and up to 70% by the 10th year. So I feel fortunate to have been one of the lucky ones to reach this anniversary, and look forward to spending many more years helping employers with their people problems.

My journey has been nothing short of extraordinary, filled with challenges, growth and unforgettable moments that have shaped both me and my business. Let’s start from the beginning…

Starting a career in HR support

My foray into the world of human resources began back in 2000 when I joined Sarantel, an engineering startup company based in Wellingborough, Northamptonshire. In those early days, I juggled multiple roles, from marketing to sales and a bit of HR. However, as the company expanded, I discovered my passion for human resources and decided to specialise in this field.

In 2005, I achieved MCIPD status, meaning I became a member of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD). This qualification laid the groundwork for my future career.

My business is born

After leaving Sarantel, I embarked on a journey of self-discovery, taking on contract roles across various industries to broaden my professional HR expertise. It was during this time that the idea of starting my own HR support business began to take shape.

So it came to be that on April 22, 2014, JT HRConsultancy Ltd was born, marking the beginning of an incredible entrepreneurial journey. Over the years, I have had the privilege of serving a diverse clientele of more than 50 companies, ranging from small businesses to large enterprises.

The past 10 years have been filled with plenty of triumphs and challenges. In particular, the Covid-19 pandemic really tested my resilience, but the business emerged stronger, navigating the complexities of furlough while continuing to support my clients through uncertain times.

HR support services

Since starting my business, I have continued to improve and refine my list of services to the following core areas:

  • Consulting: from addressing minor issues to preventing major problems, I provide expert HR guidance to ensure your operations remain legally safe and efficient.
  • Recruitment: let me handle the time-consuming task of recruiting staff while reducing costs. Ensure legal compliance as you select the right candidates.
  • Disciplinary and grievance: I deal with employee complaints swiftly and fairly to avoid costly tribunal cases. I provide support at every stage of the process.
  • Employment law: I’ll navigate you through current and upcoming legislation, keeping your company on the right side of the law.
  • Policies and procedures: arrange an HR consultation to review and enhance your paperwork and processes, to protect of both you and your staff.
  • Performance management: boost productivity and foster a positive work culture with effective performance management techniques.
  • Restructuring: from redundancy to relocation, I’ll ensure your organisation achieves its desired outcomes in a professional manner.
  • HR health check: ensure your HR policies and processes are legally compliant and aligned with industry best practices to avoid potential risks.
  • TUPE: Confidently tackle the complexities of TUPE regulations with professional support to protect your business interests and ensure compliance with legal obligations.

Looking ahead to the next decade

As I reflect on the past 10 years, I am immensely grateful for the support of my mentor, Jill, and the loyalty of my clients, many of whom have been with me since the early days. Their trust and confidence in JT HRConsultancy have been the driving force behind our success.

Looking ahead, I am excited about the future of JT HRConsultancy. With a renewed sense of purpose and a commitment to excellence, I am determined to continue delivering exceptional HR support services that help businesses to thrive.

JT HRConsultancy is an established HR services company based in Bedfordshire with clients across the UK. If you need help of advice on an employment issue, call me on 07715 026128 or visit my contact page.

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